Wednesday, October 14, 2020


 We definitely can all agree that 2020 has not been the best of years for any of us.  This year our family have lost many members.  I have lost a sister and brother-in-law.  In-laws have lost members of their families as well.  

My sister (Peggy)  had been fighting various illnesses for quite a few years.  She was the youngest of eight and was outrageously crazy funny.  She had a lot of hard parts in her life, however, she became a very beloved nurse and found the love of her life.  Her death was not a surprise, yet even knowing the time was slipping away we are never really prepared for death.

My brother-in-law (Roscoe) was more of a brother than an in-law.  I always said that if you would look in the dictionary (I refer to the dictionary a lot when a lot of young ones probably have never held or looked in one) under good, Christian man, you would find a photo of Roscoe.  He was also more of a father figure and my kids thought of him as a grandfather.  I did not get back to Indiana to see him before he died.  However, I talked to him on the phone a lot and felt his pain through our conversations.  He was tired and fighting the body's aging process and I know that God definitely was there for him.

When you are young and your whole life is ahead of you, death is not a thought.  I often wondered what older people were thinking about....I'm old and death is much longer will I live...when will I die.....those types of thoughts.  Being my age now I know that those thoughts do enter your thinking.  You are continuing thinking back on the years and things you did, people you have met...the good and the bad in your lifetime.

The one thing I heard once and have repeated many times:  "Thank God for your past, good or bad, because it had gotten you to where you are today..." 

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