Friday, July 23, 2021

2021 Month of July in Arizona

 Spending the month of July in Arizona.  Started out from Illinois, stopped in Indiana and then on to Arizona.  Yes, I drove by myself.  I have driven it three times and wanted to do it at least one more time, and who wants to deal with flying now days!

So exciting to see family (especially Brandon and Brody) and friends.  It is so interesting coming back and seeing all the changes.  It is the same with Indiana.  I really missed family and friends.  I put together a list and making sure that I see everyone before heading back to Illinois.

Driving back will be another experience.  My dear friend Ellen is riding back with me heading to Michigan.  I t will be great to have a companion and I believe we are going a different route than my usual so seeing new territory will be interesting as well.

Visit was very much needed for me.  And enjoying my time here which is going very quickly.  Heading back East on the 30th.