Monday, March 16, 2009


Giving of time is the absolute best present you can give anyone, anything but especially yourself.

I'm the type that has always needed to cram as much as possible into the time you have. Instead of thinking "there's always tomorrow" I have always thought "get it done today, there might not be a tomorrow" or "what if something else comes up" tomorrow. I have mentioned before that I am getting better at setting down and watching TV or taking a quick nap on the couch. Yesterday I actually laid down on the bed and watched TV almost all afternoon, early evening and than got under the covers...after all it was 9:00 pm. I even could have slept in longer this morning. Now I'm beginning to think I need some vitamins or something! :)
But you know, not once did I think about getting up and cleaning the kitchen or finishing some projects I'm working on at this time. I was lazy and I enjoyed it!

Now Saturday I did work in the front gravel, getting after weeds like I was killing snakes (old term) but I got it done...I stopped often to sit and rest and get a drink of water but I just knew I had to finish it before putting all the tools away.

Saturday was also garden planting day. Our grandson and granddaughter were quite the helpers for Ron. One had a shovel and one a rake and they pretty much touched everywhere Papaw needed a little assistance and than some. They were so excited and of course watering is the absolute best...wet feet and all. Joe found red worms and must have held them in his hand for at least half an hour. Papaw had to explain why it's good to have red worms in the garden. They are like little sponges soaking up all the information on the worms and the whys being answered.

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