Friday, April 16, 2010

BIRTHDAY is my 63rd birthday...where did the years go?

I don't feel this old...but when I look into the bathroom mirror, I have definitely aged...who is that person?

Isn't it funny that when you were young this age sure seemed old, but now, not so much. It's hard to believe that in just 7 years I'll be 70...and here again, it that really that old?

Oh well, today is my day. We believe that the day truly is yours to do with what you want. Now a lot of the time you feel like you have to do what the family wants but in the long run you also have to do some things just for you.

I plan to go shopping, of course. I have the day off, and there are some stores I just don't get a chance to visit. Doesn't mean I am buying!!!!

Tonight, Ron is making my favorite meal...veal oscar with asparragus from Indiana!! Of course we will end up with some chocolate and some of the Bowie Red!!!

I won't be able to hug my little ones as they have other activities that they have to attend but a call wishing me happy birthday was wonderful.

Hopefully I'll have some photos to add to this later.

I'm celebrate MY day!!!!

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