Thursday, March 18, 2010

Joeseph 3-17-10

Joe/Grandpa/Grandma: Spring break so grandma took off work and the three of us spent a wonderful day together. As you can tell by the photos there was ice cream, sleeping/resting, using Google Earth to travel around, fishing, shopping, the ZOO, checking out Town Lake's rushing water and a beer (root) at the bar at Dirtwater Springs. Needless to say when I left for work this morning Joe was still asleep. I believe even though he kept saying he was not really tired...he really was tired!
The best was getting Joe his shark tooth necklace at the Zoo which came with 5 other different shark teeth. He now has them all memorized and ready to show and tell! They have been studying sharks at school and I had given him one on a black necklace cord that I had picked up from a garage sale and he could not find it to take to school. So he and grandpa, while googling earth also looked up where you could buy shark teeth and low and behold...the Zoo!!! Ron and I had not been to the Zoo for a long time so it was kind of nice to go, however Spring Break...WOW...lots of kids, groups, grandparents, moms!!!!!!

Joe is growing up so fast and gave us a wealth of information he has learned at school. I was amazed at how much he knows about animals and see why he still wants to be a Vet when he grows up. And when he's quiet you know he is taking in everything around him. I love that he still says I love you and hugs and kisses and says thank you and please, etc. etc. He is such a joy.
Me, I'm tired too...I wish I could have slept in!!!

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