Monday, June 29, 2009

What a Weekend

Bad...our little one is back in the hospital and has had another surgery. Good, he's doing great and I think they have finally fixed the problem. Everything seemed to have gone perfectly and they did not have to do so poking and sticking this time and we are anxiously awaiting his coming home this Wednesday, we hope. We played for a long time with him Sunday (surgery was Saturday) and he was in the best mood and was very excited on giving high Fives!!!

Good...we kept our little ones overnight...3 and 5! They are growing up so fast. Sunday we had a dancing contest in our living room after our little ones were showing off their talents. Well, grandpa, grandma, mom and dad have talents too!! I was exhausted from dancing and laughing.
Than after a great meal we had dessert which was crepes with hot and cold fruit sauces and bananas. Oh and I can't forget the cool whip. We all ate with cool whip on our noses (kind of got a little out of hand for a minute or two) AND of course on the crepes.
By the time everyone left Ron and I departed to bed. We were tired...and very pleased with evening!! :):):)
Grandkids are the BEST!!! :):):)

Crocheting (spelled??)

A while back I was going to learn how to crochet. Well I have figured out how to make a long neck scarf. Lots of trials and errors but by gosh I think I have it. So now the hard part, sitting down very quietly and just doing it. AND on the win side, Christmas presents!!!! :):):):)

Monday, June 22, 2009

What People Don't Suspect

We had a really nice Father's Day. The morning Ron and I did some plant watering and straightening up around the house and got in some groceries.
At noon we went to our son's and enjoyed an excellent lunch and of course playing with our little one (who is doing great now that he is out of the hospital and finishing up his meds!!!)! They love playing cards and have taught us a couple of new games. We hadn't played cards for years and are starting to get back into it. The comments, discussions and of course the "We Won" were very enjoyable.
Than dinner at our daughter's which encluded a very nice meal, playing with our little ones AND being introduced to hero guitar (I think that's the name!)!!!
Jennifer made the remark that I would be the last person she thought would enjoy that but she forgets that I am very competitive, especially when it's just me and not a team. I know, I'm supposed to be a team player and I am when it's necessary. BUT, I do like to try some things and I love it when I can win or excell. I take more dares than you would imagine and I don't mind the embaressment if I get to have fun. Sooooooo, I'll be playing more of this! Now, where's the WII?????

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I was on a live meeting yesterday about balancing your life. How you have to prioritize most everything in life to keep that balance and especially avoid stress.
We do this everyday, but I don't think we know how important it is and how much it rules us. If work is off balance it tends to fall over into your family and outside lives. Actually, each of one these do this to each other.
I also watched Oprah the other night when they were talking about the Circle of Life which is very similar to the balance. You make a circle and put in it the important things in your life and than divide them into the pie size according to importance. This is easy but it is hard. At first you put lots inside the circle but when you are done there isn't much inside. You start to eliminate the items that become very obvious to you that are really not important after all.
Try it.
So what's the gets you to thinking about being happy with yourself and how you do things. Don't be so hard on yourself...don't sweat the small stuff!!!! (and there are lots of small stuff!!!)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

42 Years

Yep...Ron and I have been married 42 years today...June 17, 1967. Who would have thought...that Ron Fischer and Donna Urban would still be married after all these years.

Marriage is work and anyone that says differently is just not telling the truth. We both deserve trophies...big ones!!! And I know that lots of people have heard this before but it's the King and Queen theory. In order to be the Queen, you have to treat him like the King. order to be the King, you have to treat her like the Queen. That's just the best way to put it.

42 years has seen the move from Indiana to Arizona. LOTS of traveling, children, grandchildren, career changes, semi-retirement, health issues, etc. etc. etc. AND an unbelievable number of GOOD TIMES.

I love it when Ron states that if he were to die today he would have to say that he had had a great life with very few regrets. Not many people can say that.

Anyway...Happy Anniversary Fischers!!!!

Our Little ONES

Again...grandkids are the BEST!!!
Ron and Joe had a wonderful time at the cabin last week. It is amazing what kids will ask and talk about. Everytime Ron remembers something and shares we both get such joy from Joe's actions and reactions. He really did not want to come home and wanted to stay longer.
Joci and I had our "girls" night. Once she got on her new little "princess type" dress it took an act of God to get it off her to go to bed and it went right back on first thing in the morning. She is such a strong willed little one and such a little mothering type. In fact, I think that is what one of Jennifer's teachers said about her when she was in the first grade.
Brandon is home from the hospital. WHOO HOO!!!!! He is even more of a momma/daddy boy now and he does not like to have them out of his sight. It will take a while to break the little bad habits that the hospital created. But you can sure tell he is glad to be back at his home. And he is okay health-wise. Still has some meds to deal with but overall doesn't have to be poked and stuck anymore.
All is well with our little ones! :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Our Little One

I am so worried about our littliest grandson. He was born early with some problems and hopefully because he is so young will not remember all of his hospital visits and stays over this year and a half.
He is currently in the hospital in Phoenix...over a week now and it looks like it could be another week. They know there is an infection and have treated one area but it looks like another area is going to have to be treated. He is on some high powered antibiotics and is now definitely afraid of the color yellow. That's what they wear when they come in to stick, poke, look at, feel, etc. So I wonder if he'll remember why he won't like yellow!
Of course mom and dad are worried and just plain worn out. Mom is living at the hospital and dad is traveling back and forth every night. You can see the worry and tireness on both of their faces and in their bodies. You and see and feel the love as well.
The thing is with kids, they get sick fast and get well fast. We are all hoping that the infections are stopped and they find out why so they can be prevented in the future and that our little guy comes home soon, well and happy!

Grandma and Granddaughter

So, while grandpa and grandson are in Pine Top, it was a good time for Jocie and me to have an evening. Her dad delivered her to me at work and of course she had to say hello to everyone as we walked thru the building to my car. I believe she gathered some chocolate on that walk! :) Of course the first thing we did was go shopping. Joe loves to shop BUT Jocie is just as eager to look and buy. She especially likes to carry the stuff around. Afterall most of it is hers!!
We found some really cute outfits and at a great price. Than home to get our jammies on, which she was very proud that she was able to put them on herself without any help from grandma. Than dinner...mac and cheese AND a diet pepsi. Neither of the kids drink much pop anymore so this was a bit of a treat. We cleaned up the dishes and than on to the most important time of the night...NAILS!!!! Pink of course. We put two coats, toes and fingers. She thought I should also do the pink instead of my boring "shinny brown" but understood that pink was her favorite color, not grandmas.
By that time it was bedtime. She got to sleep in grandpa's bed on his side and with me so that was pretty special.
Next morning it was up, eat breakfast, get cleaned up, dressed and off to the babysitters. She is used to doing all of this later but did really great in getting around earlier.

I love having the kids together but it is always special to have each one separate at times. They are so alike and so different in so many ways. I love that they love to give hugs and kisses and say I love you with such meaning.

I know I've said it hundreds of times but it is so true...Grandkids are the best in the world!!!!!

Grandpa and Grandson

Hopefully I'll have some pictures to attach to this later. I am so bad about getting pictures.

Ron took Joe, our 5 year old grandson, to Pine Top with him for a few days. Just the two of them. Joe is like a sponge...soaking in all the answers to his questions. When I talked to him he was excited that the cabin is actually a house. That the porch goes almost all around the house. He saw Greer Lodge and the fish ponds and the ducks and checked out each one of the ponds which are full of trout. Of course he wants to fish. Ron has been working on some projects at the cabin which belongs to a past neighbor and very good friend. So, they do the work in the mornings and play in the afternoons. Ron did say that keeping up with a 5 year old is not easy. And of course, it's not like grandpa doesn't like to spoil too. Joe will have some great memories and lots to talk about when he gets home.